tisdag 1 oktober 2024

Repeating (yourself) before the gallows.

In families of confusion,
pretending love we
 never had.
Such strange and lonely persons.
Is it I, is it I. Is it really I.
Well, yonder comes a sucker..and he's got my gal.
(To no avail)
This (internet)machine feeds fascists. 
We are all going to die before our time,. 
but we have nothing to die for. 
and too much to loose, 
Is it par for this course. The curse-course.
When fire turn to stone.
And people live, alone.
Uselessly hunting futile klicks for kicks.
Is a hole in one a solid in another?
Where is the heart supposed to be.
Some of us are so solid, 
that there's no more space for a...heart.  
We may try to call in our favours, 
but nobody answeres..
and nothing comes but: 
"This number no longer has a subscriber." 
And: "I'm sorry, son, no one by that name, lives here anymore.."
Am i a culprit or a "kul prick".
Un personne porcine. Et tu.
A Last Chance Texaco:->
It's still allright. 
Kuckeli ku, jag värper nu..
Repenting before the gallows..
Devil in detail.

Bombs away, brother.

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